PROGRESS... (Footings, to Foundation, to Framing..)
Progress is fun and it feels great to share the changes of this project. If you ever want to learn about yourself, build something! My new motto.
When these time lapse images from my ever so generous neighbour come my way ("Ta Ewan!!"), viewing them becomes a learning experience. Looking at something again and again can draw your attention to things easily missed in the moment or when looking in one place. One of the things that is enjoyable is re-viewing what is same, same and discover it's different.
This first view is the beginning of footings for the Octopus. Go Octopus go!!
... and things keep growing.
getting ready to take flight for height!
As the Octopus evolves from footings to foundation to framing the comings and goings are recorded and observed. What one observes it what makes reality unfold. Where is your focus? -- the people, the structure, the colour, the form, the cement, the wood, the lights, the clouds...