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PEOPLE, PLACES, THINGS... it's all in a nickname

There really is a lot of "MADNESS" going on in the area, city, and country to say nothing of the World.  So, figured it's time to celebrate the joys we have going on to help me stay grounded -- come on along and let's all keep our feet planted.

Sometimes the crazy madness of the life makes me want to just fly away, like it would be better somewhere else (hahaha) I don't know why Tahiti always comes to mind.  I'm sure I''m not the only one who has this fantasy "go to" place.  Rather than escape, abandoning things and others who depend on me I think of things to be thankful for.  In this hood there are a lot.

For instance, this week great news came my way hearing  an amazing neighbour was nominated for "Woman of Distinction"!  Yeah!!-- I am grateful for this friend and that I could write a letter of support for the nomination.  There are such happy  supporters of project 851 (from the beginning stages) and I'm so grateful for that when I'm approached me and can genuinely tell they are interested in how things are going.  I especially love it when I feel this positive energy coming from people who  have lived here a long time.  How lucky am I to know they like the way it looks, the time and energy going into ,  building a quality build to our community and not a "developer project ready for flipping".  It's true, as I plan on living and dying in the Big House and want to be surrounded by like minded people.

It's important to keep these people in mind and not get sucked into the vortex of the day to day stresses of costs, budgets, decisions, changes etc... The generosity of others helps keep things light and... speaking of light I find it's always more fun to play around with the game of nicknames.  So here are a few of my favourites, hmmmm, wonder if they'll recognize themselves: 

Thank you to Mrs. Kravitz, Mr. Fixit, Mrs. Activist, The Nudi Neighbour Club, Caneman, Diego Rivera of Vancouver, The unofficial Mayor of Strathcona (actually there's a few people who get that nickname hahaha self-labelled), Mr. and Mrs. Burns (Simpsons),  The Coffee Seducer, Jerry Seinfeld, Will and Grace, The Queen of Strathcona,  The One who Prays for me,  Grace (from Grace and Frankie),  Walter White, Go ask Saul, Pinkman, Sooooo Eastern European Dude,  The Quiet Pickpocket, Down to the Detail, Mr. Chill, Baby Brain, Parents of the Feral, Little Miss Curious, Community Man, Sam Malone (from Cheers), The Banksy's, Motown and the cast of characters grows daily.

..There are so many wonderful amazing people,  that are appreciated but, please keep repeating your names, because as I get older everyone becomes sweetie dahlin!!(easier to remember).  Most grateful to all the sweetie dahlin's in my life as I try to keep my feet on the ground.