PROGRESS...(working towards the roofing party!!)
Stages of building are a layered and non-linear process; don't let anyone tell you different.
There is a lot that takes place between the lines of time and this week I was reminded of that by an artist from the "hood". Arriving on the site, as I do daily, I discovered an awesome surprise gift by Byron the Cameraman. Check this out.
Cameraman has captured a moment in time ( the image dates the moment to 2014) so now the past and the present (like the project) are being reflected on a daily basis. The moment captured from 2014 has been mounted onto a piece of wood, holes drilled in and zap strapped to the fence. I love that he took the time to add a layer to the project, and it's such a beautiful image as well. The date on the moment captured by Cameraman is also the year the house was bought! Loving the random acts of artist's interest that cause another human being to be moved!! Much thanks to you Byron Cameraman.
Continuing in the vein of old and new in moments of progress, let's look at the rosettes saved from the 1890's original house. Marianne, has a vision to integrate them into a space in the Big House, where the Grand Dame will shine with special moments throughout. Here are some of those original pieces.
Don't you just love how that paint from years ago still clings to the wood leaving layered reference to the amazing colors of the pas? It reminds me of that wild washed out green retaining wall Cameraman so beautifully captured in his image now on the fence.
I get so excited when I see things coming together and am full of desire to see it all completed. That's when moments like Cameraman's contribution or the paint on the side of the rosettes remind me to take pause and enjoy these moments before they're gone, integrated, evolved, changed...
In our culture, speaking of the Croatian side now, we traditionally take pause when building to celebrate a roof over our heads. It's a roofing party for the workers; I imagine it too has layered meaning, a roof as protection from the elements, a roof over the family's head as a symbol of security, a practical purpose of a dry environment for the guys slogging away everyday, marking of a point in the process and time where things move faster and smoothly forward... Well that time is here on Friday! Really looking forward to celebrating with all those handsome and beautiful people on site making this all a reality!! Taking the moment to just let the feet dangle and hang out!