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COMMUNITY...who's coming to this house, complex, compound...

As completion crawls closer and closer to the finish line the coordination of who’s going where becomes a focus springing to the surface. The initial intention was me, Mom, and rentals. Without a doubt costs escalations at every turn coupled by two years of ongoing uni-directional money flow have not been with out challenge to that original intent. My stress level has reached epic proportions, I never thought possible. Actually, the recovery has been the more important part of that equation as the human body is truly amazing as to what stress it will endure.

Where I was going to live was never really a question, the grand dame of pink was a focused destination, keeping at least one stress in line. The “real” grand dame on the other hand, that being Mama, was not so simple (smile). After pinging and ponging on her destination, the garden suite, the 2 bedroom … she has finally landed on the 3 bedroom!! Yeah, and good for her I say; another stress down!

There was interest from friends and family on buying units, which was not without more stress for me, but once I focused on me being healthy it all seemed to land in the right place. Me and Mom taken care of and rent the rest, sticking to the original plan! Never say never, so we’ll see how it all unfolds in the next 3 months and I’ll be sure to post about the joys of the community filling up!! That will be the final hurdle to stress reduction.

This post will share the options available: (it’s a bit of an operating chaos, but at least you get the feel)


Garden suite: (ground level w/ private entrance)

Grand Dame: (moving up the Pink house ladder)

Looking to the OCTOPUS:

Artist Studio space:

Two Bedroom:

Three Bedroom aka Mama’s place: