's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
…and surely a strange one for many of us.
We decided to cancel Christmas this year and just hope for more festivities in 2021. Just another day so to speak. Reflecting on 2020 one can come up with many unexpected examples of surprise, shock even, that came at us from left field. It is telling how resilient we are as a species to survive and bounce back from things not intended.
The other day while having coffee at the Union Market a neighbour asked “I wonder if this 2020 Covid thing will be a big deal or just a blip in history”? It’s a good question. I responded with “owwww. I hear ya but I think we’ll most definitely be more than a blip. The changes in technology and implications to our everyday has propelled us forward faster than the pre-covid existance. Some things will never be the same.
Not all of this has been bad. Who would have thought Zoom meetings and chats would be so commonplace; back to the future of the phone call. Would we dare say it’s more effective way to do business? Social vs Business is as dialogue in the debate of efficiency. Also the way we do business has changed; just try ordering christmas dinner online (hahaha). It’s very interesting to see who has adapted and how to they’ve adapted to keep business alive. The small business of the past is being wiped out and if you aren’t compt./tech savvy well good luck to you.
Socially it’s interesting too. On the one hand you can have the best time ever playing online Bingo with the “melovebingo” team while on the other hand people around me are showing signs of mental health breakdowns like never before. The historic change will weigh on what survives and what gets lost like any other time of change in history. On the timeline of human beings on the planet let’s look at transformation; are we transitioning from Homo Sapiens to Homo Deus? I haven’t read that one yet but would like to see how the writings apply to what we’re experiencing in relation to that initial question of blip-dome. “
Of course , I continued on with my thoughts, not really giving anyone else a chance to talk — so unusual for me (hahaha). This is how I process and evolve in cognition, so when we got sidetracked by amazing news of a new baby coming in June and the happy mama and papa sharing their news, the chance to hear other peoples ideas on the blip moved aside. That discussion will continue, and the joys of our hood. The blip becoming a baby bump conversation or one about the world all happen while having a coffee.
Even though Christmas has been cancelled there is a lot to be grateful for and that is pretty much what the holiday is about. Baking and sharing has been one of the fun “non- christmas” things we’ve done here. I’m personally grateful for so many things but especially my fabulous Project 851 being complete and sharing it with my Mom and some pretty great people around me.
Hope you enjoy this fun share that came my way!
and finally (FOR MEeeeeee) a little more holiday fun with none other than Artdog Koko!! “Don’t forget to stay warm, dry and safe over the holidays”!!! Health and Happiness everyone.