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PEOPLE...sending a letter about people

This weeks post will refer to yesterday’s sad news of death in the park. I was inspired by a neighbour who wrote to many gov’t players and agents regarding women on the DTES and how we, as a society, have become numb to tragedy resulting in lack of humanity (she shared the link to the article written by Daphne ).

I do not know about the person who died yesterday, and I do not know details and for this I am glad. I’m glad not to know, because it doesn’t matter. A life is gone and that is the sad truth. What we do about loss is what makes us a healthy society or a sick one.. Hopefully this loss was not in vain and “the powers that be” will DO something that matters so here we go:

Subject: People should not live in PARKS, STREETS OR ALLEYS: move people to the STADIUM


December 6th 2020 CityHallWATCH on twitter posts Death in Strathcona Park -- no details yet.

We who live in this community knew this tragedy was inevitable. We tried reaching out to "the powers that be", that being all of you, for MONTHS!! Many horrible things have happened in this park and now a death. This is a shameful loss and National disgrace. Lack of humanity by city, province and national government and agencies is how we deal with this country's social problems; it has gone too far.

Even a child knows it's not acceptable to leave people to live in parks, streets and alleys. They look to "grown ups" for protection, safety and common sense -- we tell them the role of the gov't is to keep us, the environment and others safe and clean.

It's a sad day that no one has seen fit from the Parks Board (because it's your "jurisdiction") to file the injunction required and work together with other forms of bureaucracy to get people properly cared for until permanent housing is an option. The STADIUM is the obvious solution but far be it for me to tell you your job. Everyone of you has access to solutions that we in the neighbourhood don't -- out protests, letters, petitions... have fallen on deaf ears, or perhaps it's people who do not have any sense of taking action or leadership.

Some of you from Parks Board have taken time to go to the park and/or meet with people in the community for what appears to be your own p.r. campaign as NOTHING has resulted. It certainly has not been to take action in any positive way for people who need help. Please take action or step aside and give your spot to someone who understands his or her role. Another option is to hire a person who is accountable and wipe out the Board entirely, but that is a conversation for a later date. Presently what we have to work with is you.

The rest of you that have been c.c.'d are included for a reason. Each of you has been contacted by our community groups such as the S.R.A. or Safe Homes for All, or directly by individual residence. Perhaps you should ask yourself what have I done? How have I improved the lives of people living in Parks, Streets and Alleys? What contacts have I made, what changes have I put in place, who, what or where have I accessed connections that make me feel proud to help my fellow human being?

Right now, there has been a death in Strathcona Park. Right now, you have 150 people who need to be housed. Right now, there are more #'s whos focus is illegal behaviour who have tagged along with this first group. Right now, that first group is comprised of poor, racially diverse, drug addicted, out of province individuals, mental health, mentally challenged, physically challenged, sex trade workers and more individuals we lump into a category of homeless. Right now, we are treating these people like garbage. Right now, is when you can change this situation.

Let's change all of this tomorrow!!

Please move these people to a dry warm place (like the Stadium) before more death and disease spreads.


(resident of Union St. one block away from Strathcona Park)

p.s. friends from the community and outside of our hood I have included you in the hopes that you too will shout out by "reply all" to let our people of power for change know they have a responsibility. May every delete key they hit because of the chain register that bigger action is required -- let's not make liars of the "grown ups" for the children's sake and giving them people to believe in. (also please feel free to share)

This letter went to the Parks Board, City Council and Mayor, Provincial ministers and the Premier along with the Prime Minister and federal mla’s — basically “the players”. Happily I will share the e-mail addresses with you should you like to join in the letter writing of Parks, streets and alleys are not a place for people to live.

Will it make a difference? Who knows? However, the alternative of doing nothing, really isn’t an option. So as we wait to see where it all goes enjoy more of the “piece flags” done recently to add to filling in the holes of the ones that are missing.