Everything goes with Dinka... even CRAWLING in 2021
A picture speaks a 1000 words and that’s what this weeks post is going to do. Here are the highlights of participating in the Crawl this year, after quite the break. It’s 25 years this year the Artists, staff, Board and volunteers have reached out to the Audience/ Community to share work. BOXspace is what opened in the garage at Project 851. Connie Sabo, Artist, past Board Member and fantastic human joined me in taking over the alley. QR codes lined the alley (a few found their way onto hydro poles) and Art in a Box in an Alley featured the work by Connie called SafetyNet. Here’s the share! enjoy.
Always get joy out of watching people engage with art!!
Fun with friends and strangers and below details of the work!!
With the sun rising to a new day let’s keep the celebration of Art in a box in an alley going!! For future shows and community engagement follow on instagram BOXspace_artinaboxinanalley and don’t be shy to share with others.
Have a great week.