Everything goes with Dinka!!
As scary as that seems, hahaha it’s not a bad thing. This blog was started as a way to record the history of this property/home to be. It was a Monday posting journal to keep track of the world around me and a story of building a project; that took quite some time!
Tonight an election happened to tell us all it’s just same same but different. A 600 million dollar message — pretty interesting. Was it a colossal waist of time and money? Probably.
All that aside, the last post on this blog was months ago and I thought I might just leave it at that. However, the other day it kind of hit me, this is a great way to continue recording, since Mom is the impetus of this building site/project why not focus on the joys of her? Hence the “Everything goes with Dinka” roll out begins.
Photos of Mom have been posted, during the evolution of the project, but I haven’t really shared her fantastic story. It’s one I’ve enjoyed through my lifetime as I truly love the joy she brings to me and others. Everyday, never mind every week, her genuine comments and straight to the chase reality of life comes through. It’s that personality that everyone connects to — it’s like she’s everyone’s mom or grandma. Any one who is an immigrant to this great country, and now is the time that we’re all too often told we are (no disrespect intended), you will understand my beautiful and fantastic Mama.
Opps just noticed it’s past midnight, which means I’ve missed the Monday date of postin! Well so be it. Maybe it is a good start to distancing from gov’t election results and focusing on things to come.
I look forward to sharing weekly adventures with Mom and sliding in a fantastic story of life as most of us can connect too.
Have a fantastic week. I look forward to sharing.