Everything goes with Dinka...from computers to ?
Continued chaos in the world. This last week we have crazy talk, talkin, talk everywhere. People wanting to kill Putin and yet support the war machine in one way or another. Screaming Ukraine while it should be “humanity”!!! How did we get to a point in the world where killing each other is tolerable? This species is a mess — just look at last night’s Oscars which is supposed to be the other end of the spectrum. Turns out that has become equally despicable; only despicable I want to watch is this one.
What the heck happened with Will Smith and Chris Rock? It was like the award winning movie Power of the dog came to life with those two. It’s what everyone is talking about today. These goofballs stole the talk from the amazing women who hosted the show in my opinion. When Will Smith said “Love makes you do crazy things?” I bet dollars to doughnuts many abused women just cringed. How many times have abusive men said that while crying to the women they just beat, verbally abused and or the litany of other horrific behaviour was sent their way.
My hero is Trevor Noah who was brave enough to point out truth. So let’s see what happens to Will Smith and his apology: lame or comparable?
Yes all that happened this week!
This is why I am happy to turn to my life and see the beautiful simple truths that are my world. Chasing down my mom’s lost purse'; that was in her hall closet the whole time. Facetiming my nephew/ward in Croatia because he’s going to propose to his girlfriend. Taliking to those relatives to discuss summer plans.
I love hearing Mom getting excited about her new learning. Forinstance, now that Mom is becoming an expert on the Ipad I discover new things everyday. Ie. I come into her place at the Octopus and hear she’s found how to turn on this:
but wait there’s more…
We go to an art opening of Dempsey Bob’s work and look at these great pieces — possible celebrations for the salmon people (us). Artdog Koko is happy to share Mama time looking at great work.
Have a great week celebrating your simple pleasures in this mad and wacky world we live in.