Everything goes with Dinka...hmmm, what about that Covid 19?

Yup it has arrived at Project 851 “THE VID” has dared to cross the threshold of our compound. How did it arrive you ask? Hmmmm, well let’s just say Dinka was the Covid container that shared the love to me; even though I thought I could dodge that bullet. What was I thinking?

I left her alone for one Saturday afternoon as I jaunted off to art gallery openings and what does she do? She goes out and scores “THE VID”. Thought it appeared to be just a cold on Sunday / Monday when she said hmmmm I’m not feeling so good. As any good daughter, I reprimanded her for going out not dressed warmly enough so as to get a cold. She responded with “oh, maybe I have Covid and now will die”. “Sure Mom, no exaggeration there! You’ve just got a cold”. Then Tuesday night she says “oh now I have a headache”. “Oh shit,” I thought now I’m going to have to break into that rapid test kit box. Wednesday morning we did the test and yup, yup, yup hmmmmmm two lines = positive shows up. Next steps were “oh my god, stay away from me” a line to be repeated for 4 more days.

Why 4 more days? That’s how long it took for me to test positive as well. Ites, the bullet hit me right in the throat. Now we travel down the rabbit hole of symptoms. Mom’s were different than mine and from exposure to finally testing negative again it was 2 weeks. She got the cough, the headache, the body aches, the sniffles, drippy nose, fatigue and dove into the sleep zone. Treatment plan for her was neo citran and tea along with cough syrup. Like the wild cat she is it was very difficult to maintain order in herding her and hence how the bullet hit me. My cries of “get away from me” while serving her meals and or setting up her Netfilx fell on deaf ears, even though she has hearing aids.

When I retraced her steps trying to figure out how this happened the closest I could come up with was a sneaking suspicion that some young construction worker she hung out with gave it to her accidentally. Dollars to doughnuts she was chatting him up and they just weren’t far enough apart. Distance, distance distance people!!! Mask no mask just stay away from me is my new mantra. It was a good thing I was negative for those 4 days as I was able to get the extra free kits, stock up on food and organize things before it became a complete lock down.

I was thinking I was sooooooo smart until Saturday night when the bullet hit! It lodged into my throat and bloomed into what felt like a razor blade in my esophagus. Oh my, this feels not so good. Sunday morning double trouble registers on the rapid test. Ites, full lockdown. Thanks Mom. She was so happy to have company. I then took advantage and went into a coma for 4 days; neo citran and sleep came so easy to me. Triple vaxed, like Mom, I made note of what felt like a body inventory going on as all unwelcome cels were attacked. It wasn’t too bad, truth be told. Sneezing was more my main reaction and hence blowing it out of the system through the nose. If I had any body aches, headaches and or other problems I wouldn’t know as I slept right through it all.

The coma days as I call them were actually quite enjoyable. When you’re lucky enough to see your home as your castle it provides great opportunity to enjoy the simple things. Looking out the window. Grateful you’re inside while the rain comes down. Appreciating the garden views, looking at your art, savouring cooking time and just chatting from a distance with the Covid container who contaminated you — just to name a few.

As true Balkans we did not loose any sense of taste or smell; not that either of us couldn’t afford to drop a few (or more than a few) pounds. The best part was the access to survival that came so easily. Two friends came by with soup; one chicken, one “love” soup. As always this hood is fantastic as Union Market was there to the rescue delivering what we needed at a moments notice. My recuperation was quicker than Mom’s thankfully as someone had to make sure she not using her new superhuman situation for anything too troublesome.

As we’ve learned over the years Balkans don’t die easily we have to be killed. Our Balkan shields protected us and ‘THE VID” didn’t stand a chance on this compound.

Everything goes with Dinka...needles to needles

Missed last week post as side tracked by the needle in the eye approach to healing macular degeneration Mom was lucky it didn’t hit her until she was 86. She’s had her 5th injection now and it all seems to be looking GOOD!! — swelling and bleeding down and visual field hopeful diagnosis for recovery. Wow the things we learn about aging and how it’s most certainly not for whimps.

Every time one of those injections happen theres a follow up of 4-5 days of drops in the eye so no infection occurs. So while Mom is getting that done I’m on the PRP (Plasma rich platelet ) trail — more needles. It’s all about the joys of learning what you need to do to be responsible with your health. Two rounds of PRP have happened @ the Rize with Dr. Aubrey Shannon, who is amazing. First time I got shot in the hip once, 2 x’s in the neck and 5 in the lumbar. Not sure about you but for me it was effective immediately! Dr. Aubrey used an ultrasound along with feel to find the sites to be injected and it’s kind of a “owwwww, yup thats the spot” feeling on initial injection and when you leave you go “hmmmm, I’m feeling a kind of lifting of the pain and discomfort”. Over 4-6 weeks you have these kind of “pushes” in healing that you feel; for me it meant waking up and realizing that feeling of wanting to gnaw off your arm is completely gone??? Then it gets even better over time. The second round went from 8 needles to 7 involving one in the hip, 2 in the neck (C2/C3 this time) and 4 in the lumbar (S.I. Joint for sure) and got me to actually looking forward to the 3rd round April 25th. The 3rd round had a slight change as now armed with the new MRI on the hip the focus slightly shifted. It now went to 4 needles to that area instead of the 7 or 8…. Wow, can’t tell you how amazing it is to finally finally finally find a professional who understands the science and practical application of that information: ie. no deadlifting for now and in 3 months that bone bruise will heal so just do water activities….

The next battle of responsible self health will involve a trip to Croatia. That’s where I’ll be getting some Stem Cel treatment. Mom and I will go on that adventure together so that’s bound to be fun. Kind of hard to believe Canada is so behind in this field when it looks pretty obvious that this is the future in helping us heal naturally. I stumbled upon SV. Katarina private hospital in Zagreb, opened by this amazing human Dragan Primorac. (kind of a smarty pants don’t you think?) Well hoping this will be as exciting as the last weekends party in Whistler / Audain Gala Auction:

Everything goes with Dinka...from computers to ?

Continued chaos in the world. This last week we have crazy talk, talkin, talk everywhere. People wanting to kill Putin and yet support the war machine in one way or another. Screaming Ukraine while it should be “humanity”!!! How did we get to a point in the world where killing each other is tolerable? This species is a mess — just look at last night’s Oscars which is supposed to be the other end of the spectrum. Turns out that has become equally despicable; only despicable I want to watch is this one.

What the heck happened with Will Smith and Chris Rock? It was like the award winning movie Power of the dog came to life with those two. It’s what everyone is talking about today. These goofballs stole the talk from the amazing women who hosted the show in my opinion. When Will Smith said “Love makes you do crazy things?” I bet dollars to doughnuts many abused women just cringed. How many times have abusive men said that while crying to the women they just beat, verbally abused and or the litany of other horrific behaviour was sent their way.

My hero is Trevor Noah who was brave enough to point out truth. So let’s see what happens to Will Smith and his apology: lame or comparable?

Yes all that happened this week!

This is why I am happy to turn to my life and see the beautiful simple truths that are my world. Chasing down my mom’s lost purse'; that was in her hall closet the whole time. Facetiming my nephew/ward in Croatia because he’s going to propose to his girlfriend. Taliking to those relatives to discuss summer plans.

I love hearing Mom getting excited about her new learning. Forinstance, now that Mom is becoming an expert on the Ipad I discover new things everyday. Ie. I come into her place at the Octopus and hear she’s found how to turn on this:

but wait there’s more…
We go to an art opening of Dempsey Bob’s work and look at these great pieces — possible celebrations for the salmon people (us). Artdog Koko is happy to share Mama time looking at great work.

Have a great week celebrating your simple pleasures in this mad and wacky world we live in.

Everything goes with Dinka... forward march onto Computer classes

Yes Mama has decided to take computer tutoring as she wants to be able to talk to relatives, read the Croatian news and listen to the Croatian radio, while driving her car….

hahahaha.. those are just driving in the car, as we all know multitasking as we age is something to give up. If you don’t agree then all I can say is “You’ll see”.

I’m with KOKO, give me hot wheels anytime — simple tasking.

Spending time with Mom in her 86th year just brings me joy. She cracks me up and teaches me that living in the moment is the way to go. Everything always works out anyway, so why not?. When she told me she wanted to learn the computer again, like she ever really knew it in the first place, it oddly made sense. My dear friend of a million years offered his services and so she’s off to the races.

Within the first or second training session, I mistakenly gave them my old laptop to work from while I was familiarizing myself with my new one. That lasted like one day before I confiscated the original back and will be sitting on it for a while. Why, you ask? lol well that in the moment of computer learning Mama resulted in all my desktop being moved to the trash so when I went back to work on my new laptop 3/4 of my icons were gone!!!! arghhhhh, Breath in breath out….

After the shock and dismay as usual everything worked out. The best part is Mom loves sitting in front of the Ipad hitting buttons and reading news, struggling with turning off music that magically appears. The last one even I don’t know what she’s doing and somehow find a way to help her on that adventure in computer land.

She plugs away on the computer while Koko and I head to the Humanity Fence to hang piece flags…