Yes Mama has decided to take computer tutoring as she wants to be able to talk to relatives, read the Croatian news and listen to the Croatian radio, while driving her car….
hahahaha.. those are just driving in the car, as we all know multitasking as we age is something to give up. If you don’t agree then all I can say is “You’ll see”.
I’m with KOKO, give me hot wheels anytime — simple tasking.
Spending time with Mom in her 86th year just brings me joy. She cracks me up and teaches me that living in the moment is the way to go. Everything always works out anyway, so why not?. When she told me she wanted to learn the computer again, like she ever really knew it in the first place, it oddly made sense. My dear friend of a million years offered his services and so she’s off to the races.
Within the first or second training session, I mistakenly gave them my old laptop to work from while I was familiarizing myself with my new one. That lasted like one day before I confiscated the original back and will be sitting on it for a while. Why, you ask? lol well that in the moment of computer learning Mama resulted in all my desktop being moved to the trash so when I went back to work on my new laptop 3/4 of my icons were gone!!!! arghhhhh, Breath in breath out….
After the shock and dismay as usual everything worked out. The best part is Mom loves sitting in front of the Ipad hitting buttons and reading news, struggling with turning off music that magically appears. The last one even I don’t know what she’s doing and somehow find a way to help her on that adventure in computer land.
She plugs away on the computer while Koko and I head to the Humanity Fence to hang piece flags…