Missed last week post as side tracked by the needle in the eye approach to healing macular degeneration Mom was lucky it didn’t hit her until she was 86. She’s had her 5th injection now and it all seems to be looking GOOD!! — swelling and bleeding down and visual field hopeful diagnosis for recovery. Wow the things we learn about aging and how it’s most certainly not for whimps.
Every time one of those injections happen theres a follow up of 4-5 days of drops in the eye so no infection occurs. So while Mom is getting that done I’m on the PRP (Plasma rich platelet ) trail — more needles. It’s all about the joys of learning what you need to do to be responsible with your health. Two rounds of PRP have happened @ the Rize with Dr. Aubrey Shannon, who is amazing. First time I got shot in the hip once, 2 x’s in the neck and 5 in the lumbar. Not sure about you but for me it was effective immediately! Dr. Aubrey used an ultrasound along with feel to find the sites to be injected and it’s kind of a “owwwww, yup thats the spot” feeling on initial injection and when you leave you go “hmmmm, I’m feeling a kind of lifting of the pain and discomfort”. Over 4-6 weeks you have these kind of “pushes” in healing that you feel; for me it meant waking up and realizing that feeling of wanting to gnaw off your arm is completely gone??? Then it gets even better over time. The second round went from 8 needles to 7 involving one in the hip, 2 in the neck (C2/C3 this time) and 4 in the lumbar (S.I. Joint for sure) and got me to actually looking forward to the 3rd round April 25th. The 3rd round had a slight change as now armed with the new MRI on the hip the focus slightly shifted. It now went to 4 needles to that area instead of the 7 or 8…. Wow, can’t tell you how amazing it is to finally finally finally find a professional who understands the science and practical application of that information: ie. no deadlifting for now and in 3 months that bone bruise will heal so just do water activities….
The next battle of responsible self health will involve a trip to Croatia. That’s where I’ll be getting some Stem Cel treatment. Mom and I will go on that adventure together so that’s bound to be fun. Kind of hard to believe Canada is so behind in this field when it looks pretty obvious that this is the future in helping us heal naturally. I stumbled upon SV. Katarina private hospital in Zagreb, opened by this amazing human Dragan Primorac. (kind of a smarty pants don’t you think?) Well hoping this will be as exciting as the last weekends party in Whistler / Audain Gala Auction: