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Still waiting................

What to do while waiting for permits?  Attend a design show to get interesting ideas!!  First stop was to a design studio that was selling off seasonal items; doesn't everyone need a wash basin?

Now off to the Design show!!  -- looking at tiles, and interesting sets.

The images below are a total dream kitchen!!  Besides my lovely niece, in the pictures demonstrating the pull out extra counter space in the wall unit, there are several other details in this kitchen design that are awesome.  Note: The interesting space created by the corner table top that becomes an extended  sitting space for guests.  Also take notice of the inset behind the sink area for drying dishes, storing knives, spoons etc.

Not to be missed.  Here are some things I just loved -- like the great tree trunk double table top when spun out for extention.................

P.S.  -- if the images are too small for you go to the IMAGES section of the site for a bigger perspective!!