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PROGRESS...what does that sound like?

As I patiently (not patiently) wait for this project to become completed, the words” be patient”, “it’s okay”, “it will be amazing” keep running through my head. It’s like hearing the future while living in the present. The present sounds more like, bang, murmur, crash, grind, saw, stomp, drill… The whrrrr’s and prrr’s of construction sound like an abstract concert where the musicians take the instruments to a place of sounds you don’t normally expect. The vocals are often monochromatic gestures of instruction-like tonalities. Once in a while the vocals take on heights of dramatic intonation suggesting urgency or caution as safety may be threatened. The pending possibility of destruction or damage flies in the air as a baseline constant undertone. The title of the symphony might be something like “Happiness to ameliorate the haunted” — not a love shack but a love complex…

This symphony has been going on for 2 years now and has become more intense over the last 5 months. Will I miss it when the concert comes to a close? That is a very good question. Ask me that again in 2 years.

The actual sound is something between acoustic fractals and sam cooke’s working on the chain gang

This imagery of this post is focused on the sound of stairs. What sounds would you expect to hear looking at these stairs? What instrument would you associate with them? How would you play them?…

hmmmm, next week a homage to the triangle and circle?