PEOPLE...stairs the collaborative effort (that just keeps giving over and over forever)

Like a diverse rose garden, there’s something special about the individual plants that make up the complete colourful picture of the entire garden.

There have been special roses that have come together to complete the construction of the metal stairs that are fate acommpli. It was a very big back and forth discussion and drawings along with quotes… before the trigger was pulled to say “we’re doin’ it”. Marianne on the design, Reece on the construction quoting and research, Dino the “man of templating”, Lindsey,Harley,Reece and Dino calculating and ongoing problem solving, Toby for feedback, Gary on treads and chatting, Hughie, Dewie and Lewie on fabrication (smile), Johnny, Monty with his patience as we visited his stairs many times, Colin onsite everyday, Calum aka Mr. Ireland… I know there are people that have been missed but I’ll track down those names before the celebration as they need to be included. Those roses have contributed to the final results that are exquisite.

This view of the “fractal” as I call it is the bouquet. Far left image, if you can’t tell is part metal and part plywood template that was necessary to create the final full metal result on the far left.

Here you can see the detail in the templates, god love you Dino!! On the far left the fabricators from Nortech working with Dino to get those pieces in place!!

Not steel magnolias, nor roses but steel steel… It’s a nod to my Dad, a machinist by trade and gave it up when he immigrated to Canada as they didn’t value the profession so he went into fishing. To my Grampa Marko who I discovered during this project too was a steelworker, but when he came to Canada became a contractor. To my Greatgrampa Piko who ,to my surprising discovery, was a blacksmith working with metals in the old country amongst many other talents such as a healer, quasi mayor of the village, travelled man of the day with medical training from France… Finally, these stairs are a nod to Mr. James Mason, machinist and the original owner of this house who created Ironworks foundry on Franklin St.

Oh ya we can’t forget the impetus of this crazy project (pink house and octopus) my steel purple rose!!

COMMUNITY...from haunted to loved

Go to a soccer game and learn about yourself…

Recently while at a Whitecaps game (we won by the way) I ended up engaged in a conversation about my life, my family and the community we come from; values and what makes us who we are. As I’ve stated in pervious posts, the impetus of Project 851 was my mother and taking the old house from a haunted place to a home(s) where there is love that shows. Everywhere I’ve lived I’ve left the “place” better than I found it — it’s just my thing. We all have inner inspiration, be what it may, that “thing”, that leaves us feeling better as a human being on the planet. Going to a happy place by doing one of my “things” is what makes my home my castle.

Project 851, the Pink House and the Octopus, is what I hope to contribute to this community. The community, I instinctively knew was for me the first day I landed here and have grown to love more and more every year. I want to leave LOVE in this community through this piece of property/land. What does that mean? Listening the the feedback from people touring through the project helps answer that question. They identify the choices made to make the pink house and octopus homes for me and people yet to come. I’ve heard comments regarding observations such as the valued workmanship, integrity of the build, respect for the creative choices, and concern regarding the energy required to “pull it off”. It hasn’t been easy, but rarely are the things we most value in life; there’s a difference between concept and execution.. So far people have had a variety of reactions; most admire it, some desire it, some fear it…

All of these responses are interesting. Intent on listening to the surprising ones helps me understand my fellow human tribe. . Part of the learning from the listen has created even more respect for the people involved; those who have helped achieve something special here at the Pink House and Octopus. At times when I think of the fear responders I have a chuckle, as these people strike me a flat liners; must have control, must have control… don’t ‘cause any waves… grey is my favourite color… types. Don’t get me wrong I’m not criticizing them, being a risk taker is not easy and I get the fear. It doesn’t come easy for many to push themselves that extra 25%, to step out of one’s comfort zone and grow as a person. Anyone can do it, it’s just not for everyone.

Here’s the secret to success when it comes to facing fear. When you start out on a project be sure of why you want to do it. What is the intent and driving force to taking it on? The motivation has to be pure, ‘cause when the going gets tough that’s what you have to fall back on and drives you through the slog, stress and energy drain. It’s been a roller coaster here and it easily could have gone the way of pointing fingers, firing people or even ending up in a looney bin (or some other public health facility) but it hasn’t because the team is amazing and the impetus was bang on. The balancing act has paid off. Cheers to living in love, making decisions based on that and being fearless — it’s much better than waiting ‘til you sell your place to finally fixing it up for someone who you don’t even know nor appreciate or want what you’ve done.

The message is honour yourself by making decisions that will inspire you everyday to be the best you can be in your “thing”, whatever that is. That’s love and that makes respect for others easy; hence the infinity sign.


PROGRESS... lesson from a sprain

May 4th I took Koko to the park and my left foot caught a divot in the grass and I went down like a led balloon. Big ouch. Felt like the wind was knocked out of me and I recall thinking to myself “owwww, this is not good”. I’d still be lying in the park had it not been for a very kind woman who came over and helped me get up; she had witnessed the led balloon drop from where she was sitting under a near by tree with her dog. As I got up, feeling it was too fast and should have rested there for some time, I did not have my ball bearings about me but managed to get Koko on her leash and walk home. It was an operation of get home while in shock before too much shock sets in.

I went right into the R.I.C.E. treatment that I’ve been aware of since University days. There was an AGM to chair the next day so I needed to get on it pronto. Good thing I did chair the meeting the next day, with my ankle wrapped and walking with a cane, as I learned R.I.C.E. is not the treatment of choice any longer. Well with that seed planted my research began. Here I am 2 weeks later, past the shock and ready to share in the healing process. What to do when you get a VERY very bad sprain?

SAT = fall down go boom!


24-48 HOURS = R.I.C.E. walking with a cane and day 2 get on the Comfrey wraps over night. Check this out — I love this guy. In the homeland, I’ve been told they use other greens like relatives of spinach; that also works. Comfrey leaves are a bit prickly and that’s why the poultice is good, personally it didn’t bother me so I used the leaves directly onto my swollen ankle.

Monday — went to Massage and ran my research by the massage therapist. He gave me the two thumbs up so after the treatment off I went to purchase the following:

Collagen — 1 x a day; MSM — 1/4 tsp. 3x a day; Sea Vegetable powder 1-2 x a day; Bromelain 1x a day; Salmon oil 1x a day; arnica gel and arnica tablets as needed.

Friday — went to Chiropractor to get the ankle pulled and aligned. She was impressed with the healing and advised it was a severe sprain. Advised possibility of laser treatment if swelling didn’t go down in the next few weeks (I believed this would not be necessary).

The entire week the above regiment of taking all the natural powders and gels continued as well as the wraps and used compression wrapping for when I was mobile.

Mobility = steps taken daily as follows:

Sat obviously leg up and hobbling about; Sun (AGM etc..) 1,146 steps, Mon 3,217 steps, Tues 3,942 steps, Wed 4,168 steps, Thurs 4,646 steps and Friday 8,713 steps. Much thanks to those who helped me by taking Koko for walks and lightening the load of life while I progressed in healing.


Pretty much same as week 1 but reducing Comfrey wrapping by a few days and adding turmeric tablets for inflammation reduction.

Friday — Massage. Therapist super happy with healing process. He advised to use compression socks , for circulation and to keep the blood flowing in the right direction, and once the swelling was totally down to do warm/cold soaking back and forth ending in cold.

Steps = Sat. 8133 (trip to Victoria and visit to the gardens got me going) Sun. 8,727, Mon. 6,914, Tues 12,374, Wed. 12,750, Thurs 7,787, Friday 4,925. All in all going with the flow and elevating and compression continued while mobile.

WEEK 3 is where we’re at now with mobility continued (sat. = 10,332, sun= 9,152 and today 8k and counting), hopefully I’ll be back at my over 10k steps a day without pain in another week or two. It’s a slow but steady progress that is making me appreciate doing the right thing for a solid successful result. I’m noting the discipline and patience required balanced with just the right amount of push.

This week’s post is about that patient steady ride to success, like the sprain, this project has not finished but on it’s way to celebrating the result we aimed for and anticipated. It has not been without it’s shocks, unexpected challenges, slow but steady assessments, research… I’m hoping to be dancing with a good left ankle at that party!

These pics. of the stairs are for you David, who bravely questioned why the heck it was taking so long to finish them. I say to you my friend (and myself), patience it’s like your great art somethings can’t be rushed and will be amazing when they’re done! Happy dance party.

ART... enlightening readers to ARTDOG!!

This weekend we went on an adventure for Mother’s day to Victoria, a chance to spend time with family and explore. ADVENTURES WITH MAMA is a movie in and of itself, so for this week’s post we’ll focus on our non-human family member ARTDOG. As mentioned before during the process of Project851, like in February, I became a dog mama of Koda, now Koko, and now her alter ego ARTDOG. ARTDOG has the best adventures sniffing out good art as well as the elements of good art, such as color, shape, line, form…

When PROJECT 851 is completed Artdog plans to do a tour from her perspective, “never mind those architectural critics”, she says, “I’ll give you the inside scoop.” Here are a few of Artdog’s, head shots, compliments of Marina’s great camera and “portrait” option! …now is Artdog ready for a solo blog or what?

Victoria not only provided headshots for Artdog but also adventures to Buchart Gardens, sniffing heaven; family for special European bbq (under the Komin), more sniffing heaven; shopping downtown with the most dog friendly stores and galleries, a different kind of sniffing heaven. This was Artdog’s first trip to Victoria, with me, and omg what a good time we had, which was something that started out as a possible ? mark. I’ll let you in on a secret Artdog is not a BIG fan of the automobile and it can be a begrudging experience at times. Fortunately, Artdog was top form enjoying the chauffeured drive in the blue cadillac, window open and head to the wind. Of course, this is the style to which she has become accustomed — no shame there, after all it is ARTDOG. The upper deck of the Ferry met Artdog’s standards and what we thought would be “dog prison” turned out to be delightfully pleasant on the way there. Two other dogs kept Artdog company, both with personalities of respecting one another with nice human alpha’s all well groomed and calm in nature. We won’t talk about the overcrowded 5 puppy’s of the earth mama’s and 4 other dogs with various anti-social humans on the way back: Artdog went for a walk.

Let’s focus on the delights of Buchart Gardens, which was another first for Artdog and received a big 4 paws up! The Information centre provided treats and highlights of the 55 acre site, there was a dog friendly water fountain near the cove along with boom boom bags; these were just the dog friendly bonuses. The colors, shapes, scents, sculptures, landscapes and ice cream, ooppps meant variety of themes, made for a feast of visual and olfactory delights. We’ll attempt to take you there through a few visuals…

ARTDOG gave another 4 paws up salute to the next part of the adventure which was a small village feast at a super secret location with family. Straight to visuals…(we won’t talk about the chunk of cake Artdog felt free to partake in while no one was looking).

Finally, shopping Downtown turned into an unanticipated purchasing frenzy of skirts, shoes, spa items… The human alpha was busy while Artdog enjoyed the local gallery scene.

Wether you’re in Victoria or Vancouver or anywhere, "You never know, when you least expect it, ARTDOG may come up to you and say “Hey you, tow the line ‘cause I’m watching you”.