The "Hood" and why I love it here...

November 17 to 20th was the celebration of the 20th anniversary for the Eastside Culture Crawl. What a stellar exhibition the Eastside Culture Crawl Society did this year with the Crawl program and their extended programming!!   -- as the Crow Flies, Firehall theatre exhibition and the Cultch as well... oh and Studio 101 yet to take place.

I had the opportunity to visit many amazing artists in their studios and am happy to share some of the images taken!!  ... so many missed, but there is always next year (smile) crawlin' my way there.


My earings are from Raven Eye studio, gifted to my by a dear dear friend!!  I adore them!

My earings are from Raven Eye studio, gifted to my by a dear dear friend!!  I adore them!

but wait there's more...


and more...


Oh ya and more...