Waiting, waiting, waiting... for the Building Permit. So, let's turn to other things. A meeting on Thursday will let us evaluate what is needed to satisfy the city powers that be as well as let us review what can actually be done while waiting for that to happen.
Looking towards the green light, we know that abatement and demo will unfold. What does this mean? Well we don't want to destroy the Big House built in 1898 (see the history of this house under the BIG HOUSE section) but the truth is, that while we honour the many people who came before us we also need to be realistic about the marks that have been left on the structure; marks of vinyl flooring, drywall taping, joint compound, paper duct taping, caulking, lead based paint etc. Basically a 24 page report on conditions good and bad needing to be dealt with. Anyone, who's gone through this knows what I'm talking about. Those of you who have not, be thankful.
When you look at the pictures of the house, as I now do, along with the joy of this being a home for people for over 117 years there's also the ka-ching of the cash register to keep in mind. I've heard from many that this is an insane overkill process, but what can you do? ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching... :(