The word "Soon", still floats in my mind and on my lips. Soon, it is such a nice sounding adverb don't you think?
soon -- so͞on ; almost like to swooooon in soon-ness...soon, soon, soon, soon.
1. in or after a short time... "everyone will soon know the truth"
synonyms: shortly, presently, in the near future, before long, in a little while, in a minute, in a moment, in an instant, in a bit, in the twinkling of an eye, in no time, before you know it, any minute (now), any day (now), by and by; More
2. used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter... "I'd just as soon Tim did it"
synonyms: rather, preferably, by preference, by choice, more willingly, more readily "I would sooner stay"
Sometimes it is worth taking time and re-looking at things we can take for granted, like words for which we know the meaning. Close looking at anything can give us a different perspective. It can also lead to giving, what we may take for granted, a deeper meaning or understanding.
My plan is to be all consumed in the mantra of "SOON" until shortly, presently, in the near future, before long, in a little while, in a minute, in a moment, in an instant, in a bit, in the twinkling of an eye, in no time, before you know it, any minute (now), any day (now), by and by is PRESENT.
In the twinkling of an eye (I really like that kind of soon), one can look forward to the twinkle of the moment when I'd just as soon the 2 building planners at the city of Vancouver did it...
At this moment what I can do is share some appliances that need new homes as we prepare to love this old home and create new spaces for living breathing souls who will soon be involved in our amazing community.
Oh and these two as well, which are kind of my favourites (see my eye twinklin...)
Up for grabs so make it soon, soon, soon...