Yes it's true, not an April fools joke, aaaaaaaaannnnd we are still waiting for the Building Permit. I KNOW! I can't believe it either, especially since what looked like a go ahead was received from the city at the end of March. It was actually a long threaded e-mail that lead me to believe soon had gone from soonish to done deal -- guess it just meant sooner.
Fingers crossed it will be this week?... So what to do while STILL waiting? Guess the time lapse camera needs to be figured out. Up for the task or recording, playing with timing, downloads and transfers so it can be seen becomes a focus. Happily something turned out pretty good.
Here is 4min 17 sec. of viewing what goes on in the back alley from the BIG HOUSE window. It is a recording of space, time and dimensions of things to change. That is, if and when that Building Permit comes through.