ART ...ode to light and focus on the feet

Starting with Fellini and ending with an Octopus seems a good way to honour feet.  Light is a reference to photography, where images are captured through waves; action of radiant energy.  In my view, the true and original definition of photography.

If you haven't had a chance to see "In Search of Fellini", I'd recommend it.  I love Fellini and the way he played with storytelling via film.  In Search of Fellini is a charming contemporary movie that references the Master, and even though is not as artistically cutting edge for it's time, is worth the watch.  It might just inspire a Fellini marathon of trying to understand some of the 28 creative works he made during his lifetime.

Dolce vita, was one of those films and the "sweet life" (or good life, or a life of heedless pleasure and luxury) seems to be a fun way to approach the elements of the Octopus.  The Infill of project 851 has affectionately been named the Octopus by my Mother, the head of our Fellini family.  When the three generations of our crazy family were looking at design ideas Mom spontaneously called the design we liked the Octopus and it stuck!

That seemed like ages ago and many tentacles have been waving ever since.

Speaking of tentacles, did you know an Octopus has three hearts, nine brains, and blue blood?  Two hearts pump blood to the gills, while a third circulates it to the rest of the body. The nervous system includes a central brain and a large ganglion at the base of each arm which controls movement.   When you start to look closely and research this creature you realize it's an alien of sorts.

I'm quite happy to include this 8 tentacled reference into the project and find joy in integrating it Fellini style where appropriate.  This week the Octopus made it's way into the Big House through designing lighting.  During the Eastside Culture Crawl I came across a great lighting designer at the Mergatroid building -- Robert from Sasamat Creative.  The crystal light spoke to me and we found a way to bring it home. 

Now another tick has been added to the decision making box  -- 9 crystal lights hanging at the Big House.  It will be made in the spirit of Dolce Vita and nod to the Octopus, shaped as an octagon...In Search of Fellini.