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ART...looking at the public art fence.

An unexpected pleasure of transition.

It started out as a security fence and then one day, Cameraman came along and added a great photo of the Big House as it stood in 2014.  "Public art on the fence", what a great idea I thought.  So I added ACCEPTABLE REASONS TO CRY IN PUBLIC -- poetry about life.  Apparently I wasn't the only one to think this was a great idea as I noticed on another site visit someone decided to add these stickers.

In the spirit of art additions to the fence, I decided to make another contribution, Ken Foster's piece I acquired a few years ago.  Our paths happened to cross when I was on my way to a City of Vancouver, Arts & Culture meeting held at the old Woodward's site.  Ken was selling the DJ spinning and since it was on a City of Vancouver sign, besides it being a great painting, I felt it appropriate to buy and take to the meeting.  It was one of those meetings where the faces had changed but the message from the art community was always the same... displacement of artists and the threat of affordable artist studio/production spaces.

Since the fence was growing in the celebration of art it now seemed fitting to add it to the viewing.  Sharing art is something I can never get enough of and it makes me happy to watch people coming by to take a peek.