PROGRESS... Art thieves in the hood, stealing in process for progress?

Happy Canada day everyone!!  

This week has been interesting on a number of levels.   Croatia made it to the next level in the FIFA world cup soccer matches; YEAH!!    Happily I share that experience with new friends and  neighbours to be.  It all makes  the move to Union St. just that much sweeter;  though it will be sad to leave the amazing neighbours I presently have. Speaking of sad did you know that there are art thieves in Strathcona? I know right?  Well remember the Ken Foster piece I recently posted?

Ken Foster, is a free spirited local artist, known by pretty much everybody in the art scene.  His work was shown at the CAG some years ago, and his lifestyle choices make him a difficult character to pin down.  You kind of have to like that as well as realize it's challenges.  I loved the DJ spinning work of Ken's and felt it so appropriate to put on the art fence as Ken is the "artist dude" of the streets in my mind; a kind of Vancouver's Banksy or Basquiat.  What better place to share his work than on the public art fence right?  A place for people in the street to enjoy.

Ya, well maybe not so much.  The fence got hit.  The "Hit" was theft or a removal, by a mysterious source (SOMEBODY), of the piece of art that was intended to be shared with the community/ public.  "SOMEBODY" has been up to no good.  No good for the public art fence and the passers by that have been enjoying the art, at any rate.  All I can say it that the DJ Spinning has presently spun off to another local and as disappointed as I am I wish him well. The hope is that "SOMEBODY" is taking care of him and is sharing him with others and values him as much as I did while in my possession, and still do.  

...a little memorial to DJ Spinning:

Note: Scott the cat is now on the case to hunt down the Strathcona Public Art Fence Thief so watch out!    Progress is at the heels of "SOMEBODY".  


Until we find you "SOMEBODY"!!!, may DJ Spinning  be shared, valued and viewed...that would be progress in spite of theft.
