make it a wrap

'“Wow, its done!!”, ya well that’s a big NOT, but it would be awesome if it could be said. Both you and I have become accustomed to this "it.s done, no it’s not done” situation by now right? Why is it, that the last 5% take so long? Creating just the list of those last few pages of deficiencies and things noticed that were never included took 2 days ( lol). “Good things come to those who wait, good things come to those who wait…”

It’s a layered experience of finishing and moving and organizing that takes place on more than one level. For instance, moving out of the garden suite into the Octopus involved shifting and mixing my stuff with Mom’s stuff all the while thinking what to leave for the garden suite/gallery space that is to be rented. As things continue to evolve here’s what how it breaks down i 1) getting new things for my final destination, back in the Pink House, and 2) moving old stuff in as well as 3) keeping my focus on staying minimal… Oyyy vie poor Koko gets to witness it all hehehe. This is her perspective.

Next life I’m coming back as Koko! (chill factor a go go…); what a great life that dog has hehehe.

I won’t go into the details of all the other things that get juggled like organizing financing, stratification, logistics, property management, exterior details … These are my tag lines please feel free to mix and match as you see fit:

“ Hello, welcome to the new world of mission impossible” — financing, stratification, logistics or…

“Enter the confusion zone” — financing, stratification, logistics or…

“You’re required to have an obsolete system” — mailbox, financing, stratification or…

To live like you’ve always wanted to doesn’t come easy and requires MAXIMUM patience and tenacity of character to not give up. There have been so many times I’ve wanted to say “what the heck, just do it"!” or “forget it I don’t care anymore”. Then have to dig in and find that extra 25% of drive, energy, push to get closer to the finish line. None of that can be done on your own, and if someone tells you otherwise best you be cancel culturing them; take the road of the deep ghost..

I’m grateful for so many things and so many people who have come together to make the Project 851 community. Over the holidays we just might have to celebrate a little (smile)