This week has been a new adventure in a happy addition to Project 851. You may have seen this cutie pie around in some other posts but it’s now official she’s my girl!! — Welcome to your new home there Koko Channel (smile). She’s survived sun, rain and snow so far this week.
Never having owned a dog makes this an extra special adventure for me, it’s quite different from dog sitting for friends, and not quite what I planned. Careful what you wish for as they say, as I did say I wanted a dog and actually coveted Koda when she belonged to my neighbours. Sometimes the best things in life just find you, like this bratty bow wow and this crazy project that is sucking the life out of me — think I better wish for some soul rejuvenating magic to sneak up on me. Oh wait maybe that’s what I got this week hahaha.
Here are a few other things that happened at the Project in the hardscape, studio space and garage.
Here are a few things that didn’t happen this week… (yes the 2 year TELUS saga continues)
and yes on occasion my brain feels like this… (makin’ me dizzy)
Thanks goodness for the people working here and my new best friend!! Makes me feel more like this.