My art collection is waiting to come out of storage and find it’s place on the walls. My brain is working as I walk around looking at the millwork going in and watching space open up. Hmmm, “What would be amazing on this wall or that one?”, whirls around my mind. “Oh that is def. going on the memory wall”. These are some of the early planning thoughts floating about my head as I walk the Pink House and the Octopus. The art of placement and detail, a different kind of hand of the Artist.
Speaking of “opening up” and making room and tossing in a little before for effect of architectural art; take a peek…
Back to the art. Here’s a share of the art as hung in my old place.
Those many pieces of art you see are just the tip of the art-berg. Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun’s work is peeking out but the tree drawings are missing from these photos. Also you don’t see the work of Anida Yoeu Ali hung but it too is waiting for a wall. I’m going to help rope you into this special person and her work, enjoy the worm hole you’re going to want to explore further...
Let’s work on getting that Buddhist Bug to perform here on the Project 851 site and bring her to Vancouver, hmmm do I hear the Vancouver Art Gallery calling her? How fun will that be!!