CAWM Collective is soon rolling out phase 2 of abOUT Damn Spot — CONNECTING THREADS. Take a look at the site if you’re interested and in the Artist Statement you’ll see how it connects to this weeks title. As we each head out to vote this week we should be thinking of the people we want to represent us; who is the best candidate to represent what you believe. How can we (as in society) find it acceptable to leave people living in parks, alleys and streets? Why are we not looking at providing safe supply? Where are the clean beds and rooms? I’m asking the candidates those questions as they should have answers or why are they running? I’m looking for the candidate who is actually listening to the needs of the community?
So far 5 months into park encampment this gov’t has done nothing to show they care one iota about the people in Strathcona Park, Hastings St, Yaletown, Main St. etc… It is “our” problem to resolve and we can do it with our votes as well as protests and art projects.
Speaking of… CONNECTING THREADS will take on the shape of involving more people and continuing the connections we’ve built. A call has been put out through the SRA and we look forward to working with groups like Attira, Chinese seniors, small community groups and kids. Now that the website is up and running the possibilities of outreach have grown. Who knows where things can go!!
Here are some images of the installation at present: (note: The flags are flying and now it’s flowing onto the other side of the fence as well)
You may be wondering about the photoshoot set up in some of those images, well here’s the result (thank you WendyD photographer extraordinare)!!