… for them and here is a tribute to those that made it happen: for them/ by them.
As promised last post this is the day of photoshoot sharing now that it actually happened. While many people were non-social distancing at the beach and causing the police and front-line staff a bit of stress, we here at Project 851 had a comfortable flow of the main players coming through in waves of celebration. We kept our distance while the photoshoot went on around us and took time to enjoy the fruits of our labour. Note: during this Project there was a different kind of fruiting labor going on: check the two beautiful children that were born during the construction phase.
Babies first:
1) lol okay maybe I”m not a baby but I am THE baby in our family (that’s Mom & Dad behind me); always good to know someone’s got your back!
2) Mom explaining the virtues of chocolate cake and cake sandwiches to Freya (Reece, the contractor, and Sara’s little one). First baby born during the construction of Project 851
3) Dino with baby big boy Bazil. Bazil might be the second baby born during the project but he is HUGE in cute factor and we might have to declare a tie with those two.
4) Mama Tamara, the master Bread maker with Mr. Cutie pie — I love this shot as there’s so much going on in it; foreground Mama & Bazil midground - people leaving and background - random neighbour working on his deck.
1-4 Family pods expanding their bubbles with friends of Project 851. I love that KoKo gets in there with a BIG smile on her little dog face. This is General Contractor, Onsite Contractor, Architect and Architectural photographer with family and all one big family extension of mine now! I don’t know how many people taking on a project like this can say that at the end but sure am glad to be one of them.
missing: Joe Fry from Hapa Collaborative (but don’t worry we have him and Louise in a shot below)
FOOD: can’t have a celebration without food (and drink!!)
Cheers to the corner stone of Project 851: like champagne to a ships bow!! (pilsner to granite)…
There are so very very many stories to tell with this Project and now that all the construction is virtually 99.9% done the plan is to continue with the blog and share as many as my memory provides, so that may be 2 more posts hahaha. This granite cornerstone came from an idea of Marianne’s when on her travels to Italy, hmmm a year or two ago?? Time flies when you’re pre-covid grounded. Nonetheless, she came back from Italy all excited about planting a gem right at the entrance of the site and as usual I just said “Cool, that sounds great”. Little did I know the stone would be sourced and cut to perfectly fit the space created during the concrete pour, what wasn’t I thinking right? As usual the Contracting team, the Czech specialists Dino on the source and Vlad on the cut of the stone went to work to make it happen. Vlad the master millwright put his precision carpentry skill to work and didn’t stop until it was perfect!! Cheers to the team!!
See if you can find Vlad in the crowd of amazing people who were here to make it all come together.
Cheers and as I always say to make magic happen you have to have a great TEAM and leave enough space to make sure your boat can float.
THANK YOU: Mama, family, friends and those who have now become friends. These are the core people who have been around since 2016 until Saturday May 9th 2020 who have been part of the team and let’s plan to celebrate for at least as long as it took us to get here!! (more to come)