PROGRESS...all action, let's get physical

If you scroll back to the last PROGRESS post you’ll see we haven’t come a long way baby from a month ago (smile). The dance continues and the encampment grows last publication was 200 or 250 tents? The main stories in the press of recent have been about the Park Board’s recent bylaw decision, passed 4-3, to be able to enforce camping in parks between certain hours. The present occupants in Strathcona Park are in violation of this bylaw on a daily basis so now the question becomes how with that be enforced? and by whom? Perhaps next post on PROGRESS there will be an answer for you.

It appears that all gov’t officials are more concerned about going away on summer holidays, during this time of COVID19, than sitting down to resolve this inappropriate placement of unfortunate people who can not represent themselves along with the residents who’s children’s summer programming has now been curtailed due to the danger of entering that park. Their summer isn’t a priority I guess. In the meantime all the illegal and dangerous activities that tag along with the unfortunate confuse the optics : the unfortunate being the mental health and hard to house people and the tag alongs being the criminals, drug dealers, activists, trouble makers… We live in a time where talk is cheap and there’s lots of it. It isn’t a wonder the gov’t staff, politicians and the like are afraid to “do” something; it’s just easier to do study after study.

My answer is ‘LET’S DO SOMETHING’!! Here’s my idea hmmmmm, an art installation!! or maybe an ongoing performance art piece that lasts as long as it takes to get an encampment to be properly placed. I have some ideas on what it should be how about you? Bring the ideas on!