PEOPLE... preparing for Art to come called " OUT DAMN SPOT"

We don’t have an army but we’ll settle for a community. People of action to create something interesting as the tension builds in our hood due to the horrors of what comes with an encampment. We all agree what has become almost accepted and surely tolerated in our society is quite unacceptable; leaving people to live in doorways, tents, streets and alleys. Surely as a society we can do better!!!

Problem here is no one is leading society into something better; the way one did in Portugal — decriminalization and treatment resulting in safety for everyone.

Leaving sad people without homes, with mental disabilities, mental health issues, drug addictions and weak who are being exploited by criminals, activists and out of province travellers (looking for a tent and a free meal) is not a good thing. It leaves everyone without Stability, Support, Safety or Space and that is the makings of an unhealthy society.

As I hear and watch my neighbours frustration grow, due to their lack of those 4 S-words, I understand they just want to protect their children, neighbours and elderly. It is a very concerning situation that effects everyone everywhere in BC and across the country. So let’s look to a positive push for resolution it’s been a thought floating through my head for several weeks now.

I’m thinking let’s get to work on “Out Damn Spot”. A little Shakespeare never hurt anyone and kind of reflects on our city, province and countries insistence to wash their hands of a spot they know is there but can’t see it; or are they just washing their hands of dealing with the problem? Let’s start meeting with some people in the hood who would be interested in a Performance/Installation Piece “Out Damn Spot”. Here’s part of the vision: we arrive at the park and unpack our sewing kits ( with textiles from bedding) and stitching circles to our triangles with the incorporation of one of the 4 words; Stability, Support, Safety or Space. We stay for as long as we decide, yet tbd, and then pack up and leave. This continues every week until the encampment is gone from Strathcona Park — ideally there will be a bigger solution to the problem as well; ie. navigation centre, free injection site, medical assessment for needs and permanent placement in a space one can call home.

As has been written in the past the triangle and circle are significant for me when wearing my art hat. The meaning being equality, the triangle, based on Judy Chicago’s dinner party piece. The circle is about community.

and here is how it was implemented in the house …


(more to come with the art project)…