That was MAMA’S take on the election and the vaccination. She always has a quick, direct and truthful response to what is going on in the world.
Guess that’s what happens when you’re born in 1935 and a child during a major world war… That is a long story, where you grow up without your parents around, rather raised by your maternal Grandmother: just to give a little context. Let’s paint a picture of what was happening on two different continents. We know that when Mom was born on the island of Krk the house here in Vancouver at 851 Union was 37 years old. That was about the same age Mom was (maybe younger but goes well with the train of thought), when she met her own Mother. Antoinette was living in New York and hadn’t seen her daughter, Mom, since she left her with her Mother as a baby of 6 month. The details of these interesting family events will unfold over time; this is just the beginning of the chapter of Everything goes with Dinka. So now fast forward to 2021 and we know this woman looks at life through a lens of “super reality” — I think that’s why so many people love my Mom. It’s also why I get such pleasure from sharing her with others.
What’s that saying about change? “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference”. There’s something about octarians or is it octogenarians? hahaha I think I’ve been using the wrong word for at least 6 years now. lol !! Mind you as an octogenarian wouldn’t you rather be an octarian? — sounds more fun and they look pretty darn cute. Now back to the point of people, what ever age or species, there’s something special about the ones that don’t waist time on the things they cannot change, have courage and wisdom. Context is everything on helping understand who “gets it” and who doesn’t.
The story of Mom is going to be that completely; context, courage, wisdom, curiosity and someone who “gets it”. Dinka understands who those people are that “have something wrong” with them and still has the sense to be kind and welcoming but doesn’t hesitate to put them in their place when needed. Thats a special quality in a Mama.