PEOPLE...missing (haha)

This week while people , as in worker people, were on site things were flying: stairs blued and waxed, millwork in the octopus, piece meal tiles going in, front door primed, garden suite patio graded, meetings… While Dino was coordinating all that, I thought I’d toss in a little guerrilla project for us to add to the mix. He helped me with a guerrilla tree planting; now there is a Dino/Mira tree planted in a super secret place! The usual Friday strudel arrived, via Mama, to feed the workers on site and prep them for a nice Canada Day weekend.

I, on the other hand, did not go away for the weekend and with all the people missing proceeded to step up to the work table and did a little priming.

What are those spindles for you may be asking? Well those puppies will be going outside on the porch around the front door. If you recall the Newell post blog you’ll understand how they’ll work together. It’s a fun transition of indoor details going outside. This kind of play of inside/outside, old/new/, octopus/pinkhouse and metaphors of reference have given me a lot of joy. At those times I feel I can’t take it anymore and am going to sit down and cry for a year that is what helps me through the journey of the never ending project.

I recall a friend building in N. Vancouver years ago calling his house “the house that will never be built”, going through this process gives me a whole new perspective on his positive outlook on a difficult journey. Little does he know how those words would actually help me survive construction fatigue.

Here’s to the old inside going outside…

COMMUNITY...who's coming to this house, complex, compound...

As completion crawls closer and closer to the finish line the coordination of who’s going where becomes a focus springing to the surface. The initial intention was me, Mom, and rentals. Without a doubt costs escalations at every turn coupled by two years of ongoing uni-directional money flow have not been with out challenge to that original intent. My stress level has reached epic proportions, I never thought possible. Actually, the recovery has been the more important part of that equation as the human body is truly amazing as to what stress it will endure.

Where I was going to live was never really a question, the grand dame of pink was a focused destination, keeping at least one stress in line. The “real” grand dame on the other hand, that being Mama, was not so simple (smile). After pinging and ponging on her destination, the garden suite, the 2 bedroom … she has finally landed on the 3 bedroom!! Yeah, and good for her I say; another stress down!

There was interest from friends and family on buying units, which was not without more stress for me, but once I focused on me being healthy it all seemed to land in the right place. Me and Mom taken care of and rent the rest, sticking to the original plan! Never say never, so we’ll see how it all unfolds in the next 3 months and I’ll be sure to post about the joys of the community filling up!! That will be the final hurdle to stress reduction.

This post will share the options available: (it’s a bit of an operating chaos, but at least you get the feel)


Garden suite: (ground level w/ private entrance)

Grand Dame: (moving up the Pink house ladder)

Looking to the OCTOPUS:

Artist Studio space:

Two Bedroom:

Three Bedroom aka Mama’s place:

PROGRESS... beyond sound

The noise isn’t over but greatly reduced. The bing bong of the amazing staircase is not so ongoing and we inch closer to it’s completion. Here’s a sneak peak — feeling more like home everyday.

At the base of these new stairs we don’t have a traditional Newel post as originally was the case. The sweet twist is that the original Newel post, is being transitioned to the outside staircase as you enter the Pink House. Happily I’m sharing the result of my weekend activities. Yeah to the Newel:


late Middle English: from Old French nouel ‘knob’, from medieval Latin nodellus, diminutive of Latin nodus ‘knot’.

…and I was working on my Masters in Stripping those knobs and knots.

It’s not completely transformed but as close to 1898 as it ever was!

ART...getting over my fractured fibula

I’ve never thought about Chiropractic’s as being an art but you sure can’t deny this looks pretty visually bonus; talk about celebrating the line!

For 3 weeks I thought it was a sprain until Dr. Oliver Sanchez, I love saying that name Dr. OleeeevVer Sanchezzzz….., came onto the scene suspecting otherwise. Taking his medical knowledge and skills to the next level, he highly recommended getting an xray, as his instincts were telling him it was a fracture of the lateral malleolus. Dr. Oliver Sanchez (love that name) has mastered his profession, like an artist, he truly understands how the knowledge he’s attained works in the practical: this dude is the dude of masterclass diagnostics and taping treatment…

As disappointing as it is to find out a fracture means you’re in a restricted “boot” for 4 weeks, it also makes you realize slowing things down might not be the worst thing that can happen to you. Perhaps becoming one with the fragility is what is in order. Instead of feeling like the fragile late 1800’s crystal champagne coupe fill up that glass and slowly sip the libations.

Perhaps even wonder over to Gallery Jones to see an amazing art exhibition, by one of our pretty darn famous local artists; Artdog Koko (see her hashtag on instagram) says, “you watch this boy he’s going places”. That be Brendan Lee Satish Tang!

That dude takes ceramics to another level! Oh and speaking of ceramics we have some pretty cool things happening at the Octopus as well.

Enjoy the view, I’m off to have a libation or two or…