Honestly I tried not to complain about the CITY through this entire experience BUT sometimes you just gotta call it for what it is. Can you say “sh*% show”? How about I’m now suffering PTSD? or better yet, Has the madness actually come to an end?
The long and short answer is, YES, YES, NO.
That’s my rant as I “finally” approach getting into my home. Now onto some fun pics. about the project as I approach the end of my DISPLACEMENT (play on the exhibition by the ECCS - CRAWL show this year).
Photo 1:
Let the christening begin! Saturday night post-crawl 50 friends, nieghbours, family and crawlers came to share the escapades of crawling. I loved hearing of everyone’s favourites and/or stories… My approach is to check out all the new artists so there’s a focus in the chaos of creativity. This year’s pick was Greg Snider https://explore.culturecrawl.ca/artist/5385. Love sculpture.
Photo 2:
Speaking of art, check that artwork out!! The Crystal Octopus light has given me an unexpected joyous gift. Before the renovation started I would come into the house and capture rippling reflections of light that were projected onto the walls due to the single pain melting windows. To my surprise these new lights are reminicent of that time in a NEW way. Look back in the blog for those OLD reflections (maybe Sept. 11, 2017 or was it Feb. 13, 2017 or Sept. 19, 2016, or Aug 15, 2016…).
Photo 3:
Can you find Koko?
Photo 4:
Yes that’s here with me in the NEW kitchen space where we’re looking forward to hosting a “few” parties. Stay tuned for those people that make the village!