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PEOPLE...omg has it really almost 2 months?

That was one good long celebration and I bet you were left thinking “whaaaaaaaaat? Did things actually get finished at the Pink House and the Octopus or is Project 851 stuck in the vortex of development hell?” The plan was to go dark for a week leading up to Xmas and then get back on the blogging wagon. Ya well, “how’d that work for ya Mira?” , happy 2020, year of the rat,…

I can officially announce that finally, finally, finally we’re off the city books and there will no longer be city inspectors and/or set up trades, services or needed but not necessarily wanted people coming through the likes of my home and the project site!! Yeah!! True dat, that there have been a few gatherings already in the evolving finish of my home, which was heartfelt and fun. It’s great to feel and know I have my life back: it might be one crazy chaotic non-organized life but it’s mine.

Now that the “people” liked and not so much are out of my daily life and only the occasional tweaks of deficiencies will be addressed I am able to breath. Thank goodness for the Sadhguru meditation course I took in November to help me catch, gain, balance and exercise my breath. Bottom line the recovery period for developing Project 851 will be 1-2 years, and I’m just talking my health. At least 6 months is what I’m giving myself to get organized so I know where to leave the likes of my keys, coats and shoes.

You’ll see by todays photos that, hmmm well, just when you think you’re finished you realize you’re not!!! The bathroom is getting the grouting consistantized, if that is a word; Had it all set up and now it will be another few days… The crazy couch my Mom gave me finally made it into the “dressing room”/ guest room but the art still awaits it’s place above it. Check out the hallway for the art doors that have the tracks but not the final doors yet… Oh wait even the ceiling tracks are'n’t in yet. I forgot about that.

So lots of little touches and last things to put in place BUT at least I’m done with all that bureaucratic nightmare that caused PTSD disguised as creating an amazing Project.

Back on track and ready to give you the dirt next week!!