COMMUNITY...coming together here and away

Writing every Monday has been a bit of a challenge heading into 2020 — is it construction fatique or it all hitting me as things come to the final touches? Whatever it is I’ll continue to do my best to post on Monday as we roll on through the year. Fortunately, a dear friend now living in Toronto, started poking the bear in Dec/Jan to make me roll up my points and book a trip to Barbados. All was booked in January and thanks to that guardian angel friend everything was made easy and then one day in Feb., the 20th to be exact, I was eastward bound. First stop Toronto! Dipped my toe in Cabbage town’s chilly streets and then scooted off to Barbados with the gang.

The 3 of us, Tangerine Penguin, Tall Turquoise and Pinky la Pink Top were on a 7 day adventure around paradise. Here are a few shares via photos for you:

Safe to say it looks like a good time had by all?

Yes just what the doctor ordered!! …and even though the return to not so sunny Vancouver was tough this arrival today made it just a little bit easier.

The art doors have arrived!! The print blocks from the Big Print Project where made into doors and now, fingers crossed, this week will be installed!!