PEOPLE...omg has it really almost 2 months?

That was one good long celebration and I bet you were left thinking “whaaaaaaaaat? Did things actually get finished at the Pink House and the Octopus or is Project 851 stuck in the vortex of development hell?” The plan was to go dark for a week leading up to Xmas and then get back on the blogging wagon. Ya well, “how’d that work for ya Mira?” , happy 2020, year of the rat,…

I can officially announce that finally, finally, finally we’re off the city books and there will no longer be city inspectors and/or set up trades, services or needed but not necessarily wanted people coming through the likes of my home and the project site!! Yeah!! True dat, that there have been a few gatherings already in the evolving finish of my home, which was heartfelt and fun. It’s great to feel and know I have my life back: it might be one crazy chaotic non-organized life but it’s mine.

Now that the “people” liked and not so much are out of my daily life and only the occasional tweaks of deficiencies will be addressed I am able to breath. Thank goodness for the Sadhguru meditation course I took in November to help me catch, gain, balance and exercise my breath. Bottom line the recovery period for developing Project 851 will be 1-2 years, and I’m just talking my health. At least 6 months is what I’m giving myself to get organized so I know where to leave the likes of my keys, coats and shoes.

You’ll see by todays photos that, hmmm well, just when you think you’re finished you realize you’re not!!! The bathroom is getting the grouting consistantized, if that is a word; Had it all set up and now it will be another few days… The crazy couch my Mom gave me finally made it into the “dressing room”/ guest room but the art still awaits it’s place above it. Check out the hallway for the art doors that have the tracks but not the final doors yet… Oh wait even the ceiling tracks are'n’t in yet. I forgot about that.

So lots of little touches and last things to put in place BUT at least I’m done with all that bureaucratic nightmare that caused PTSD disguised as creating an amazing Project.

Back on track and ready to give you the dirt next week!! make it a wrap

'“Wow, its done!!”, ya well that’s a big NOT, but it would be awesome if it could be said. Both you and I have become accustomed to this "it.s done, no it’s not done” situation by now right? Why is it, that the last 5% take so long? Creating just the list of those last few pages of deficiencies and things noticed that were never included took 2 days ( lol). “Good things come to those who wait, good things come to those who wait…”

It’s a layered experience of finishing and moving and organizing that takes place on more than one level. For instance, moving out of the garden suite into the Octopus involved shifting and mixing my stuff with Mom’s stuff all the while thinking what to leave for the garden suite/gallery space that is to be rented. As things continue to evolve here’s what how it breaks down i 1) getting new things for my final destination, back in the Pink House, and 2) moving old stuff in as well as 3) keeping my focus on staying minimal… Oyyy vie poor Koko gets to witness it all hehehe. This is her perspective.

Next life I’m coming back as Koko! (chill factor a go go…); what a great life that dog has hehehe.

I won’t go into the details of all the other things that get juggled like organizing financing, stratification, logistics, property management, exterior details … These are my tag lines please feel free to mix and match as you see fit:

“ Hello, welcome to the new world of mission impossible” — financing, stratification, logistics or…

“Enter the confusion zone” — financing, stratification, logistics or…

“You’re required to have an obsolete system” — mailbox, financing, stratification or…

To live like you’ve always wanted to doesn’t come easy and requires MAXIMUM patience and tenacity of character to not give up. There have been so many times I’ve wanted to say “what the heck, just do it"!” or “forget it I don’t care anymore”. Then have to dig in and find that extra 25% of drive, energy, push to get closer to the finish line. None of that can be done on your own, and if someone tells you otherwise best you be cancel culturing them; take the road of the deep ghost..

I’m grateful for so many things and so many people who have come together to make the Project 851 community. Over the holidays we just might have to celebrate a little (smile)

PROGRESS... through meditation

When I looked back at the post a few weeks ago where frustration was expressed about the process of building, I realized how much I needed the course I signed up for months ago. While the interior photoshoot of the pink house was happening I was in a 4 day Isha foundation retreat on meditation. Missing the fun at the house of staging and bringing the space to life was something I was looking forward too but felt my inner engineer was a priority. Oh boy was I right!!

The process of shifting my energies to a inner healing was extremely intense. It was not what I thought it would be on so many levels, nor did I expect to experience such physical pain, but as they say no pain no gain. Sadhguru is the mastermind behind this program and it is an honour to be alive in his time — it is very understandable why he is one of the top 50 most influential people in India. Has it changed my life? Time will tell but it surely has changed my perspective on things I can control, which is mainly myself. A daily practice requires commitment and even though I have happily gained the requirements and teachings of one the question remains, “Will I do it?”. The hard work lies ahead in exercising this practice and surprisingly I’m looking forward to it.

I would highly recommend your watching some of the Sadhguru videos available on Youtube. Anything you find on Inner Engineering will be connected to what I learnt during the course. I would also recommend anything to do with the topics of desire, unlimited responsibility, the inevitability of the moment and benefits of meditation. A daily practice is not for everybody but for me the building process of Project 851 resulted in much pressure that led me to an imbalance of energy which in turn had me seek out an amazing course in self realization. Wow, this Project just keeps giving in the most interesting ways.

@ the Pink House:

and look what happened while I was meditating!! ( I leant how to manifest)

ART...let's go native (not the shoes)

Things in the world are changing so fast that it’s hard to stay on top of the politically correct language these days. I like using the word Indigenous yet at the awards night recently attended, I found they use the term First Nations. Six First Nations Artists were honoured at the BC Achievement Fulmer Award First Nations Art evening and it was a very inspirational evening. It’s one of my favourites and is one of the classiest ceremonies held at the Round House Community space in Yaletown. I’ve attended many celebrations at that space and I find this one to be the top of the honour train.

Born and raised in Vancouver I find that my formal education has left me with almost zero awareness of the atrocities put upon people of Canada. I was aware of the hardship placed on those who have moved to this country but not so much the First Nation’s people. Being first generation Canadian of immigrant parents it is not difficult to understand cultural relevance of a “peoples”; or my tribe as I refer to them and on occasion I call us the Fellini’s.

So how did I learn about the history of my own country, Canada, and the horrible things that were done to others? Well, when it comes to the First Nations people I’d have to say the meaningful truths have come to me through Art. While volunteering as a Docent at the Vancouver Art Gallery for over 15 years, working with children from grade 1 to 12 it has been a journey of discovery on many levels. My passion for art has helped me to discover and understand as well as engage in dialogue with others approaching discussions with curiosity and respect. Art has led to a graceful learning process of personally reconciling with life, the world’s madness, humanity and specific concepts.

At the Award night recently attended I had the opportunity to engage in honest dialogue with artists and other first nations people. Here is some of the work that was presented and I encourage you to check out the BC Achievement website to see and learn more about the winners. Marianne Nicolson was also honoured that evening and one of the 6 artist of which I referred.

The two artists above are:

Maynard Johnny Jr., Coast Salish/ Penelakut Tribe, Vancouver ( I have one of his designs on my favourite umbrella, bought in Haida Gwaii, who knew?) AND

Henry Green, Tsimshian, Prince Rupert (what a proud man and wealth of knowledge I felt I was in the presence of powerful spiritual leader) Note: his Native name is: Wii Gwinaalth.

During the evening I had a chance to speak to these creators and others curiously enquiring about how they felt in regards to every official welcoming now using the “We are on the unceded territory of….” ? From a non-native person’s perspective it’s something I’ve been questioning lately and wondering if it’s making things better or worse. The response I received from those asked ranged from “It’s a start to It falls short and in some ways is becoming meaningless”. It was enlightening for me and engaging to have the conversation.

Marianne Nicolson, who’s work seen below “1992 2012 “ helped me with this question through her work and discussion on art. This work shown reflects the time of the lowest population for 1) the native people (1992) and 2) the sea otter (2012). Over the years giving my time to the Art Gallery (VAG) it has been a pleasure to tour children and discuss Nicolson’s work — I love her asthetic and self expression which is powerful and relevant. We discussed the “official welcoming” and I mentioned how I seek to make it a non-dismissive statement and while touring “Transits and Returns” ,now showing at the art gallery, it was easy but how do I it when touring a show like Cindy Sherman? Well wasn’t I enlightened when Marianne without missing a beat said “it’s actually not that difficult when you think how Cindy’s work is engaging with “Identity” which is relevant to our people and their struggles as a result of history”. Of course! Thank you Marianne as now I know how I will make it work for me — always connect it to the art!!! (hopefully I’ll be a better educator for these conversations) .

What an honour to meet such talented, smart and wise people!